참고 문헌

본 검사 항목에 반영된 참고문헌과 연구된 인종 정보입니다.
검사항목 참고문헌 연구대상(인종)
비타민 C 농도 The American journal of clinical nutrition 92,2 (2010): 375-82. European (3,425명)
Genes & nutrition 8,6 (2013): 549-60. European (1,649명)
비타민 A 농도 Human molecular genetics 20,23 (2011): 4724-31. Caucasian (5,006명)
Medicine 94,26 (2015): e1064. Tawanse (915명)
비타민 D 농도 The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 93,9 (2008): 3381-8. Hispanic, African American (1,053명)
Human molecular genetics 19.13 (2010): 2739-2745. European (4,501명)
Journal of bone and mineral research 28,8 (2013): 1784-92. East Asian (Chineses) (2,897명)
Journal of bone and mineral research 32.3 (2017): 498-507. White, African American (748명)
지방산 농도 Circulation. Cardiovascular genetics 6,2 (2013): 171-83. European (8,961명)
Journal of lipid research 58,5 (2017): 974-981. East Asian, European (15,541명)
루테인&지아잔틴 농도 American journal of human genetics 84,2 (2009): 123-33. European (1,190명)
Experimental eye research 115 (2013): 172-7. European (310명)
Ophthalmology 120,8 (2013): 1632-40. European (302명)
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 55,1 587-99. 29. Jan. 2014. European (1,643명)
식욕 American journal of epidemiology 178,5 (2013): 780-90. African-American, Asian-American Latino Pacific Islander European-American (36,990명)
Experimental and clinical endocrinology & diabetes 117,4 (2009): 194-7. European (German) (380명)
포만감 The British journal of nutrition 110,6 (2013): 1151-6. European (Britich) (40명)
The American journal of clinical nutrition 90,5 (2009): 1426-32. European (97명)
짠맛민감도 Chemical senses 38,2 (2013): 137-145. Caucasian (95명)
Food Quality and Preference 84 (2020): 103954. Caucasian (95명)
와인선호도 Scientific reports 7,1 (2017): 1-7. European (400명)
Journal of food science 77,12 (2012): S413-418. European, Asian (528명)
근력운동적합성 Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) 103,2 (2007): 504-10. American (88명)
Journal of science and medicine in sport 20,1 (2017): 98 East Asian (Japaness) (860명)
American journal of human genetics 84,3 (2009): 418-23. East Asian, American (7,415명)
Journal of strength and conditioning research 27,10 (2013): 2898-903. European(Polish) (577명)
Biology of sport 34,4 (2017): 323-330. Multiple ethnicity (7,482명)
Applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism 34,6 (2009): 1108-11. European (282 명)
지구력운동적합성 Human genetics 126,6 (2009): 751-61. Russians (2,555명)
Annals of human genetics 82.5 (2018): 254-64. European (485명)
Annals of human genetics 82,5 (2018): 254-264. Brazilian (1,622명)
Journal of strength and conditioning research 35,7 (2021): 1885-1896. Israeli (168명)
근육발달능력 Physiological genomics 43,16 (2011): 965-73. 인종정보 없음 (131명)
Journal of sports sciences 32,4 (2014): 375-82. European(Polish, Russian) (2,684명)
Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine 146,3 (2008): 351-3. European (994명)
Journal of strength and conditioning research 27,8 (2013): 2055-8. Russians (1,621명)
Biology of sport 30,3 (2013): 163-7. European(Ukrainians) (536명)
단거리질주능력 Journal of strength and conditioning research 27,10 (2013): 2898-903. European(Polish) (577명)
Applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism 34,6 (2009): 1108-11. European (282명)
Journal of science and medicine in sport 20,1 (2017): 98-103. East Asian (Japaness) (860명)
International journal of sports medicine 35,2 (2014): 172-7. East Asian (Japaness) (948명)
단거리질주능력 European journal of sport science 16,6 (2016): 694-701. East Asian (Japaness) (1,867명)
수면습관/시간 PLoS genetics 12,8 e1006125. 5 Aug. 2016. European (128,266명)
Nature genetics 49,11 (2017): 1584-1592. European (113,006명)
니코틴의존성 PloS one 5,8 (2010): e12183. East Asian(Korea) (8,842명)
PLoS genetics 4,7 (2008): e1000125. European American (2,827명)
기미/주근깨 Human genetics 138,6 (2019): 635-647. European(Polish) (222명)
PLoS genetics 6,6 e1000993. 24 Jun. 2010. European (10,000명)
태양노출후 태닝반응 The Journal of investigative dermatology 129,9 (2009): 2250-7. European (9,000명)
Nature genetics 40,7 (2008): 835-7. European (5,130명)
남성형 탈모 Nature communications 8,1 1584. 17 Nov. 2017. European (70,000명)
The Journal of investigative dermatology 133,6 (2013): 1489 European (449명)
통증민감성 Nature medicine 18,4 595-9. 25 Mar. 2012. Israeli (354명)
Pain 159,6 (2018): 1064-1073. European (3,847명)
퇴행성 관절염증감수성 Nature genetics 51,2 (2019): 230-236. European (603,028명)
Nature genetics 50,12 (2018): 1681-1687. Euroepean(British) (18,419명)
요산치 PloS one 13,3 e0194044. 20 Mar. 2018. East Asian(Korea) (7,064명명)
Molecular genetics and genomics : MGG 293,2 (2018): 371-379. East Asian(Japanese) (5,648명)
BMC medical genomics 4 17. 4 Feb. 2011. African American (1,017명)
중성지방 농도 PloS one 8,12 e82420. 30 Dec. 2013. East Asian(Chinese) (12,281명)
Nature genetics 50,3 (2018): 390-400. East Asian(Japanese) (105,597명)
Circulation. Cardiovascular genetics 9,1 (2016): 37-44. East Asian(Chinese) (22,845명)
혈당 PLoS genetics 14,4 e1007275. 5 Apr. 2018. East Asian(Chinese) (7,178명)
Nature genetics 43,10 990-5. 11 Sep. 2011. East Asian (17,617명)
혈압 Nature genetics 53,10 (2021): 1415-1424. East Asian(Japanese) (145,505명)
Nature genetics 48,10 (2016): 1171-1184. European (342,415명)